
Wonder Woman Wasn't So Wonderful...

...I mean, I LOVE Diana Prince and all of her alter egos.  And don't even get me started on the awesomeness of both Lynda Carter AND Wonder Woman Underoos...I think it is safe to say that both held in their thrall a generation of us girls who grew up in the mid-70's/early 80's.  But as an adult, a daughter, wife, friend, mother, employee, volunteer...I am really sick of the Superwoman/Wonder Woman ideal.  And it occurred to me -- wait a minute!  Even Wonder Woman wasn't so wonderful!

Think about it.  While she did some insanely badass things, was a member of the League of Justice, rid society of many perils, served the Navy, looked great in a cocktail dress, and always got the bad guy in the end, she had a TON of help.

I don't know about you, but I don't have a truth-telling lasso to sort out the misdeeds and misinformation I encounter in this world.  There is no invisible jet at my disposal to hasten my errands OR my swift delivery of justice.  I have some fabulous jewelry, but none as indestructible as those bracelets.  And, not being a Princess of an Amazonian society, I lack the royal perks that an HRH enjoys.

However, I am relieved to realize that even with all of her superpowers, even Wonder Woman didn't always get it right.  Blasphemy?  Maybe.  But it's true -- even Diana fell short in some areas.  Yes, she rocked the hell out of those go-go boots, but the headband/crown?  Clearly one item too much, even for a superhero.  (I know, superhero fans/geeks -- the headband was a projectile.  But COME ON!  She could have thrown any old thing.)

As the fabulous Coco Chanel stated, "Always take off the last accessory you put on."  And I think Mademoiselle Chanel is saying something not just about bling, but also commenting on the fact that in all aspects of life, less can be more.

So, no more stressing about doing more, being more, having more.  Because more isn't always better!  No need to worry about being the most accomplished, the best at everything, on top of it all at every moment of the day. 

Case in point?  The other weekend we could have been in seven different places at once, and I could have done laundry, grocery shopping, cleaned, planted mums, and baked a pie.  Instead?  My daughter and I made cookies. I played trucks with my son.  My husband and I took a nap when the kids did.  We had breakfast-for-dinner.  And to me, that felt like a productive day.  And I didn't need a lasso once.

Take that, Wonder Woman!